After school classes are for those children who attend the school and run in term time only. Lessons are full of energetic dances and fun games.
If you are interested in having JSC Dance teach an after-school class at your school, please contact Sophie here for more information.
Llandaff City Primary
Thursday - Year 1-2 - 3.15-4.30
Friday - Year 3-6 - 3.15-4.30
Year 3-6- 3.30-4.30
Year 3-6 - 3.30-4.30
JSC Dance runs a variety of themed dance camps throughout the school holidays for children aged 6+. The children will learn a super energetic dance, will create their set in arts & crafts sessions and will play loads of fun games. Places must be booked in advance and children will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink.
October half term
February half term
Easter holidays
May half term
Summer holidays